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Surgical Procedures Specialist

Chula Vista Ob/Gyn

Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Chula Vista, CA

Some gynecologic conditions require surgical intervention to achieve optimal outcomes. For those women in and around Chula Vista, California, the services of Mauricio Levine, MD, at Chula Vista OB/GYN are a valuable resource. Dr. Levine has extensive experience with all types of gynecologic surgeries and techniques. To explore the available options, book a visit with Dr. Levine today, online or by phone.

Surgical Procedures Q & A

What are some common gynecologic surgeries?

There are numerous conditions that can benefit from surgical intervention. Some of the more common gynecologic surgical procedures include:

  • Hysterectomy
  • Dilation and curettage
  • Fibroid removal or treatment
  • Removal of endometrial tissue
  • Treatment for gynecologic cancers
  • Hysterectomy
  • Tubal ligation

Dr. Levine makes every effort to treat gynecologic conditions using the most conservative approach possible. Surgery is only considered in cases where other interventions prove ineffective or are not advisable.

What is endometrial ablation?

Endometrial ablation is a procedure in which the lining of your uterus is surgically destroyed. This treatment is used to reduce menstrual flow, which can be a problem for women with abnormal bleeding, endometriosis, and other gynecologic conditions.

There are no incisions needed for this type of surgery. The required surgical tools are inserted through your vagina and cervix. The targeted tissue is removed using radiofrequency energy or extreme heat or cold. Some procedures can be done in the office, while others are done in a hospital on an outpatient basis.

What is pelvic organ prolapse and how is it treated?

Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition in which one of your reproductive organs moved out of normal positioning and is intruding into your vagina. The problem arises when the tissues and muscles that hold your pelvic organs into place weaken, and can no longer provide the proper level of support.

Any woman can develop pelvic organ prolapse, but those who have experienced vaginal childbirth, are obese, are over the age of 60, or have a family history of the condition are at an increased risk.

Pelvic organ prolapse can be treated through surgery. Dr. Levine can use your own tissue or a synthetic surgical mesh to put the prolapsed organ back into proper position and strengthen your pelvic floor support. Some procedures can be completed through your vagina, while others require abdominal incisions.  

When is hysterectomy performed?

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of your uterus and often your ovaries. It’s a procedure reserved for cases where other treatment approaches have failed or don’t offer a viable treatment path.

In decades past, a hysterectomy meant a lengthy, open surgical procedure with a large incision and a long recovery time. Today, many hysterectomies can be performed laparoscopically, which means a quicker recovery, less risk of infection, and smaller incision lines.

Hysterectomy is a treatment option for endometriosis, certain gynecologic cancers, pelvic inflammatory disease, and certain complications that arise during childbirth.

To discuss any of these procedures in more depth, book a consultation with Dr. Levine, online or by phone.